Saturday, August 19, 2006

Balinese Suckling Pig roasted

What a tasty of food, this food called babi guling or be guling or celeng guling or balinese suckling pig roasted. this is a balinese traditional food.

the suckling pig is roasted at 220 Celcius at the hot roasting rack, using the coconut fruit fiber as the fire. the seasoning is inside the pig and use the traditional balinese seassoning like ginger, garlic, lime leaves, black peppercorns, etc.

you can find this food at : gemah ripah at kartika udayana it is a clean place to eat pig roasted.

nb : the picture taken yesteday when i eat babi guling.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this food is tasty but beware of your stomach becuase its so spicy, there is other place to try this food. handayani at bypass ngurah ray is the good one. but the famous one is in ubud area.

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